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The day Roy Keane ended the professional career of Haaland's father

Story of retaliation: The day Roy Keane put an end to Haaland's father's professional career.

During a Premier League game between Leeds and Manchester United in September 1997, the narrative starts. Alf-Inge Haaland, the father of Pep Guardiola's brand-new City recruit, and Roy Keane would combine their footballing lives that day, beginning a "pique" that wouldn't end for another five years.

The Irish midfielder attempted to gain possession of the ball throughout that game, but Haaland moved forward flawlessly and evaded the "red" chance. Roy Keane attempted a journey that failed once he realized he was outmatched. The midfielder's knee was stuck in the back, and the following day, the worst-case scenarios came true: he would miss the remainder of the season due to damaged ligaments. A set that might have continued if not for the reaction of the Leeds central defender, who approached his opponent after seeing him on the ground and teased and accused him of fakery. He did something that Roy Keane would never overlook.

In a Manchester derby four years later, the narrative would come to an end. When he had the chance, Keane tackled Haaland, the Manchester City captain at the time, in one of the most brutal tackles in football history. In order to attack the Norwegian defender's knee, he turned away from the ball and launched himself stud first. He was fortunate to be caught in the air and avoid having his knee broken.

The center-back, who would never play a full game in the Premier League and who would prematurely retire at the age of 30, was given a preposterous penalty when the Irish midfielder was dismissed with a straight red card and suspended for three matches and 5,000 pounds.

In his memoirs, Keane discussed the contentious entry into Haaland:

 "I had waited a long time. I hit him fucking hard. The ball was there, I think: 'Take this, you bastard. And don't ever look at me mocking fake injuries again.'"

And don't ever again stand on me in contempt talking about fake injuries. Even in the locker room afterwards, I had no regrets. My attitude was, 'Fuck him.' What goes around comes around. He got his rewards." only. He hit me with one and my attitude is an eye for an eye".

A must-see "remake" When it appeared that the circle had been completed, the son enters the scene to introduce a fresh version of the movie with a plot that promised to be very engaging. Roy Keane, the archenemy of history, will be watching and waiting for his chance to "attack" as he makes his Current job: Sports commentator on English TV networks. 25 years later, Erling Braut Haaland returns to the scene (Manchester City) to lead Pep Guardiola's mega-sports project.

"I am quite familiar with the squad and feel somewhat at home here because I was raised in England and have always supported City. I've been to several games. This is a day of pride for my family and me" In a chat he initiated on the team's fan page, the striker said.

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