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Trump arrived in New York for his historic arrest.


Shane Bevel/NCAA Photos/Getty Images

Donald Trump arrived in New York yesterday afternoon before turning himself in to the police on Tuesday and becoming the first president in American history to be arrested and charged with a crime.

The former president will show up at around 2:15 p.m. (local time) so that the authorities can register him as a defendant, take his fingerprints, and take a picture of him in custody. After that, he will appear before a judge for an official reading of the various charges. that he must enter a plea of guilty or not guilty, hear the terms of his release, and learn the dates for his trial court before going on trial for, among other things, falsifying company documents (the specific charges will be learned there).

It was live-streamed on cable television channels and in electronic media from the time Donald Trump left his mansion and club in Palm Beach, Florida, for the airport, through the takeoff of his personal Boeing 727 painted in red, white, and blue with his last name in gold, and until he arrived at his Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue.

The narrative of this chapter is that the martyr who has dedicated his life to "rescuing" the country continues to be the target of "a witch hunt" for standing up for the true patriots against the "radical leftist Democrats," anarchists, and a long list of enemies, including prosecutor Alvin Bragg, who dared to proceed, and judge Juan Merchan, who is currently in charge of the case. In order to use this criminal proceeding as political advertising for his presidential candidature, he has already done so.

Trump continued to send tweets while travelling from Florida to New York, accusing the prosecutor of being a "racist" (Bragg is African-American), and he reiterated that the accusation was nothing less than "election meddling" intended to destroy his presidential campaign. He criticised the media once more, branding it "fake news" and "puppets of a Marxist dictatorship that wants to stifle and even jail criticism."

The Trump campaign has really attempted to utilise all of this "chase" to raise money, and according to a campaign adviser, they have succeeded in doing so since last Thursday, when the indictment was announced (although there is no word yet). official statistics). The campaign released a statement on Monday that starts with the words "Tomorrow I will be arrested as a result of the most horrible witch hunt in our nation's history" and asks for donations at a time when "the fate of Our republic is at jeopardy."

Trump has, however, called protests and warned of the consequences of "Death and Destruction" ever since there were first whispers that the impeachment was about to be announced two weeks ago. Some saw that as a call for political violence, and of course there are recollections of the bloody assault by Trump's supporters on the Capitol in early 2021, even though local officials said they have no evidence of anything on that scale here.

The 36,000 police officers in the city have all been placed on notice, and the metal walls around the courts on Center Street have been extended—and not for nothing. It has also been emphasised that bringing weapons into the courtroom is illegal.

There are further walls and other security precautions encircling Trump Tower and the southern Manhattan neighbourhood where the district attorney's office and the courts are located, both of which have phoney gold-decorated embellishments, like so much in the defendant's world. Other levels of public safety are now apparent, and the area has become a mini-metropolis with reporters, cameras, and equipment.

Eric Adams, the mayor of New York and a former police officer, sent out a statement warning to Trump supporters and protesters that "New York City is our home, not a playground for your misdirected anger. We respect the rule of law in New York" and that anyone breaking the law will be arrested "regardless of who they are."

Following his arrest and the formal filing of the accusations against him, Trump intends to return to his Florida mansion, where he has already invited the media for a press conference and remarks on Tuesday night. There, he will undoubtedly stick to the script of a patriot martyr.

The head of this political drama will show up on Tuesday in the role of the former president of the most powerful nation on earth, but he will face charges similar to those that would apply to any other common criminal.


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