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A Glimpse into the Speakership Dreams of Jim Jordan

Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio Sept. 28, 2023.
(File photo by Jim Bourg/ Reuters)

In September 2016, Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio embarked on a mission to push for the House to initiate impeachment proceedings against IRS Commissioner John Koskinen. However, his aggressive approach clashed with GOP leaders who saw impeachment as politically unfavorable. Jordan's persistence led to a showdown with then-House Judiciary Committee Chair Bob Goodlatte, where he demanded Koskinen's appearance on Capitol Hill, ultimately resulting in a hearing.

Jordan's reputation for employing hardline tactics, often viewed by some as bullying, earned him the moniker "the other speaker of the House." Now, as he vies for the speakership, he faces a pivotal decision: will he maintain his recent shift towards being a team player, or revert to the aggressive tactics that characterized his career?

While Jordan secured the GOP nomination for speaker, his support was not as unified as anticipated. Eighty-one Republicans chose to support Rep. Austin Scott of Georgia, a relative newcomer to the race. This split in support underscores the ongoing trust issues that persist within Jordan's relationships with his colleagues.

The challenges Jordan faces are multifaceted. Concerns persist that he may pursue fiscal brinkmanship leading to government shutdowns. Furthermore, some are displeased with his treatment of Steve Scalise, the House majority leader who won the nomination. This dissatisfaction with Jordan's approach may prevent him from gaining the necessary 217 votes to secure the speakership.

Despite the obstacles, Jordan and his supporters remain determined to pressure their opponents publicly, anticipating that GOP base supporters will influence holdout members. A recent secret-ballot revote revealed a decrease in opposition from 81 to 55, with only a handful publicly expressing their dissent. This suggests that there is a fear of openly opposing Jordan.

To attain the speakership, Jordan might need to employ a rigorous whipping effort, which would contradict his recent pitch to colleagues, where he promised to represent all Republicans rather than just the conservative base. The dynamics of this speaker race appear to be shifting rapidly, with different factions within the GOP grappling for control.

However, Jordan is not the only one facing a change of stance. Former Speaker Kevin McCarthy also underwent a shift in perspective, initially backing the idea that the nominee should secure 217 votes within the conference before a floor fight. This inconsistency underscores the fluid nature of this leadership race.

In the end, Jordan's path to the speakership is fraught with challenges, balancing his past reputation for tough tactics with the need for unity among GOP colleagues.

Despite these challenges, Jordan has several advantages, including more time to persuade opponents and a membership that is eager to put the drama behind and choose a leader who can steer the party toward its legislative priorities. Spokesperson Russell Dye indicated that Jordan is committed to uniting the conference and addressing key issues, such as border security and defense funding, once he becomes speaker..


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