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Opposition Leader Donald Tusk Claims Election Win in Poland


The leader of the Polish opposition party, Donald Tusk, has proclaimed victory in the election, claiming that the coalition of opposition parties received enough votes to unseat the ruling Law and Justice party. According to the Ipsos exit poll, the opposition alliance has 248 members in the 460-seat lower house of parliament, compared to Law and Justice 198. A government must have at least 231 seats in order to approve laws. The opposition parties, including Civic Coalition, Third Way, and the New Left, ran on different ballots but shared the same objectives during their campaigns: toppling Law and Justice and fostering closer links with the European Union.

Former prime minister and current head of the European Council, Donald Tusk, expressed his happiness and announced the start of a new era for Poland in a message to his supporters. The democratic victory and the overthrow of Law and Justice were highlighted by him. The end of a "bad time" and the reign of Law and Justice, according to Tusk, was signalled by the election results. Jaroslaw Kaczynski, the head of Law and Justice, on the other hand, praised his party's achievement and noted that it was the party's third straight victory in parliamentary elections. His party received close to 37% of the vote.

Despite the fact that Tuesday is when the official results are anticipated to be made public, the results of the exit poll show a considerable decline in support for Law and Justice. 12 seats are anticipated to have gone to the far-right party Confederation. Since the most recent election in 2019, Law and Justice, which is known for its defence of Catholic traditions and social expenditures, has been under fire for suspected cronyism, conflicts with European partners, and growing prices. This has resulted in a fall in support.

Many people believe that this election is of major significance for Poland because it is the first since the country's democratisation in 1989. A total of 29 million individuals, including a record 600,000 Polish residents residing abroad, were eligible to vote. Recent surveys suggested that the opposition may have a chance to put an end to Law and Justice's streak of three straight terms in office. Nevertheless, Tusk and his allies might have to wait weeks or possibly months before establishing a government, even if the official results support the exit poll findings.

Polish voters were also asked to weigh in on four referendum questions, including those pertaining to immigration regulations, retirement age, and foreign ownership of national assets, in addition to the legislative election. In the upcoming days, the referendum's final results are also expected to be made public.

About Donald Tusk:

Donald Tusk, the 66-year-old leader of the Civic Coalition, has a long and illustrious political career. From 2007 to 2014, he served as the prime minister of Poland, making him a prominent figure in Polish politics. In fact, Tusk made history in 2011 when he became the first leader to be re-elected since the fall of communism in Poland, a testament to his popularity and effectiveness as a leader.

However, Tusk's influence extends beyond the borders of Poland. From 2014 to 2019, he held the prestigious position of president of the European Council, becoming a familiar name to people across the continent. During his tenure, Tusk voiced concerns about the impact of "external anti-European forces" on the outcome of the Brexit referendum, advocating for necessary reforms within the European Union to safeguard the election processes of member states.

Known for his outspoken nature, Tusk played a central role in the turbulent Brexit negotiations between the United Kingdom and the European Union. He vehemently criticized Britain's decision to leave the EU, famously stating that there is a "special place in hell" for some leading Brexiteers. Tusk's return to Polish politics was motivated by a desire to revitalize his party and reclaim power, aiming to reverse what he viewed as a deterioration of fundamental rights and relationships with European partners under the populist Law and Justice party. With his campaign symbol of a heart in the national colors, Tusk sought to emphasize his commitment to the country and appealed to various demographics, particularly women and younger voters, with his promises of positive change and progress.


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